Friday, 26 December 2014

Seek and You Shall Be Find

Jeremiah 29:13:  Thank You God, that you are there for us, We hear your words: " You will seek me and find me, when you search me with all your HEART"

          In life, there are certain moments that we get lost in our search for His kingdom. Our inadequacies and limitations caught us along the way thus resulting us to be misguided and misdirected. Yet at the end of the day, God's assurance of His eternal love continue to give us hope and light to go on and move ahead. After all, He is our reason why we strive daily to be good followers of Him.

          No matter what will happen along the way, just like in the words of Jeremiah, God will always find us and welcome us to His warm embrace. During this season of hope as we joined others in celebrating the birthday of our Lord Jesus Christ, may we always find refuge in God's unending love for us all. 

          Whatever hardships and crosses we will find on this world. these will become light with His assistance. Live life to its fullest and love God with all your heart.

Wednesday, 12 November 2014

Precious Moments.....Memories to Cherish

          When people gather together as brothers and sisters in Christ, it is there in that gathering that one can feel and radiate the same positive vibes to others. Life is so wonderful that one could not miss to enjoy every bit of it. Regardless of the busy schedules that we have everyday, it is still a part of our life to exchange our life story with others.

          That's exactly what we cherish last November 09, 2014, Sunday when we held our household gathering  at the residence of our household leader, Bro. Rodel and his loving wife, Sis Danna. What made the gathering more meaningful was the presence of our charismatic unit head, Bro. Ed and his loving wife, Sis Pinky. Amidst the chit- chat we made before we formally started our sharing, the full of spirit children were also busy with their games and antics most common to their ages. 
photo credit: Denis Collette...!!! via photopin cc

          We had our singing practice right before we took off our celebration. What struck me among the three songs that Bro. Rodel had prepared for the celebration was that they all tell and remind us of the overflowing love GOD has for all His people including us gathered at that very moment.

          Finally, we started our celebration of faith and life and as each one shared his thanksgiving prayer for all the recent blessings that were received from God, I said to myself that God indeed is such a generous God. He never fails in sending His goodness to all of us in so many ways. Throughout all the chapters of life specifically for us who were bonded together at that very moment, we personally and concretely feel God's amazing kindness by the multitude of gifts that He has showered on us. 

          Thus, we all felt the strength of our being together and as we all went back to each of our families, we carried with us the new found flame of life and the bond of fraternal love that we shared with each other. After all, those precious moments that we shared indeed become memories to cherish.  

Saturday, 4 October 2014

Listening to God's Word

Psalm 130:1-4, 7-8

"A song of ascents. Out of the depths I call to you, Lord. Lord hear my cry! May your ears be attentive to my cry for mercy. "If you Lord, mark our sins, Lord who can stand? But with you is forgiveness and so you are revered."

          If you listen intently to this psalm you will discover then that God's overflowing kindness and love for mankind is so great. However man also has to do his share. Being love so tremendously by God does not give him or her the go signal to proceed and make deeds which can break God's heart. 

          Though mankind is given the freedom and will yet he also needs to facilitate all his faculties to the fullest so as to unceasingly perform acts which are according to God's pathway-that is geared towards kindness and mercy. Instinctively, this is always doable be that as it may on a certain point, there is the ongoing challenge on how to be consistent on this right path. Certain facts of life may be against one's liking and desire however with much faith and trust in the Lord, there is also that assurance that everything will be put on its proper place. 

          Thus continue to submit everything to Him above and let Him rule your life. All the desires of your heart must be in accordance to His will and guidance.


Monday, 11 August 2014

Submit Everything To Him Above

          Opportunities to gather together as one household is always a renowned moment for it brings people more closer to one another. When we had our household gathering last month, there was excitement in the air as we gathered collectively as one family- people bounded together in one common faith in the Lord. 

          And when we started the gathering by offering songs of praise, we lifted up our hearts and faith to God for we all believed that He is the sole purpose of everything. Being the owner of our life, He is the main reason why we always have positive things in life. He showered immense blessings to us most notably through the gifts of our family, our loved ones, our life, our talents etc. . 

imagecredit: Jozh Tuballa, Australia

          So going back to our gathering, we also lifted to Him our personal intentions and even those intentions of other people unknown to us. We prayed in a special way for those who are presently sick and unloved, for those people who have no one to pray for them. Afterwards, we had our sharing on the given readings. Particularly, we shared our struggles and those positive energies that allowed us to move on from them.  

          To end, I am always looking forward to every opportunity that allows me to interact and share life with other people. There are fresh and new discoveries that I could find in myself as I will exchange moments together with others.  

Friday, 6 June 2014

Sharing of Faith

          Last May 4, 2014, Sunday, I had the privilege to journey with some participants of Christian Life Program of the South East Melbourne Unit headed by Bro. Neil and Sis. Arlene. Before the start of my sharing, I had the opportunity to chat with some staff members and I appreciated very much the overwhelming support that they have extended to their CLP program. They even brought along the other members of their families like their children. Consequently, they had so much fun while playing with one another.

          As I went through with my sharing with them, I was giving in put on the greatness of God's love for mankind- that He even sacrificed His own Son to save the latter from total damnation due to sin. Furthermore, this great act by our Heavenly Father solicits from mankind an inner and genuine response to make his own contribution to achieve a world full of peace and harmony. 
imagecredit: Copyright All rights reserved by superfamous

          Moreover, along our sharing I also mentioned to them the significance of the parable of the prodigal son. That it sits alongside with the focus of our sharing which is God's love. I identified with them the similarity of the father in that parable to God Himself who somehow would always believe in mankind in spite of all his limitations and shortcomings. 

          We ended up our sharing by affirming each one's greatness in the eyes of God and by telling each one how he/she has to make true to all his/her commitments to God. Indeed, it was such an honour to journey with those members of South East Unit. May they continue to grow in number. 

Friday, 16 May 2014

Another Gathering of Faith and Hope

          Families gathering together, children enjoying each other's company, husbands and wives savouring the presence of each one---these are but just some of our treasured moments every time that we gather together for our Cfc Household. Thus last May 10, 2014, Sunday, as the world celebrated Mother's Day, we also grouped together at the residence of our fellow brother and sister- Alvin and Denden as they hosted our scheduled fellowship.

Succeeding events that ensued were the following:

1. Fellowship- we shared our thanksgiving prayer for the bountiful blessings that we endlessly received from God. All those beautiful things that happened to us recently and every blessing that we welcomed in our life, we also offered God our sincere gratefulness for His unending generosity. Afterwards, we also shared our individual petitions to pray for all our needs- family, community, society, global etc. 

2. Food- we savoured the festive for prepared and meticulously chosen by our host, Denden, sharing with us her delicacies. We all enjoyed the food on the table and again, we thanked God for such goodness and for the nourishment we received from all those food.

3. Thoughts on our moms and wives as we celebrated Mother's Day- we, husbands, had our special moments when we shared with each other how precious and endeared our wives meant to each one of us. Thank you, oh God for the blessings of these wonderful people in our life-- our loving and dedicated housewives.

          Finally, we departed from our gathering bringing with us a renewed strength and vigour graciously extended by the fellowship. Looking forward to future opportunities for bonding life's gifts and experiences.

Friday, 11 April 2014

Father God's Love Empowers Us If We Know He Loves Us Every Bit As Much As He Does His Son Jesus

by Roger Himes

All love comes through God to us. It does not originate in us, as we are sometimes led to believe through the law which tells us, "YOU love God with all your heart, mind soul and strength, and YOU love others as yourself."

This sounds really good and noble, but it is impossible to live by.


We're just not capable of doing this as human beings. We're too fragmented, with too many things and people that are important to us. We can include God, but we can't love God with everything we have in us. And, even if we could, which we can't, but if we could love God with everything we have in us, what would we have left over to love anybody else with? Preaching this is like putting a candle on the end of a stick in front of the donkey. I'm sure you've seen the picture of this. The donkey can never reach the carrot. It's always just a little bit in front of him.


This is why Paul says that we are to know the love of Christ, that passes knowledge, so we might be filled with the fullness of God (Eph 3:19). The point is that God's love for us is so far beyond our understanding, and our ability to grasp it, that it too often just goes right over our heads. We zone out instead of zoom in on it. It's just too much for us. It's unbelievable.

We're told that the Father loves us every bit as much as he loves Jesus (John 17:23). This is really, really mind blowing. Abba Father loves us as much as he does his only begotten Son? Our minds short circuit and say 'no way this side of heaven.' At least this is how our flesh reacts. Our spirits tend to light up when we hear this, wondering if it could really be true. This is why we're called believers and not understanders. Jesus says our job is to believe God's truth, even as ridiculous as it may sound to our reasoning minds (John 6:29).


Paul says faith works through love (Gal 5:6). He is speaking of God's love, not our human love. You see, when we begin to take God at his word -- and believe and live by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God as Jesus says to, then our faith grows (Mat 4:4). God's love is what causes our faith to grow, and as it grows then we receive more of his love. God's love and faith just keep growing in us. It's synergistic. It's like compound interest.


If we live by law and religion, they point the finger at us, and tells us we are guilty before God. Paul calls it the ministry of condemnation and death. The more rules we live by the less a true, intimate relationship with have with God, and thus the less of his love we can receive into us.

Not only does law keep us from knowing God's love, but it keeps us from knowing who we are in Jesus: our identity in Christ. This is what Paul says. He says we are SELF-righteous if we live by law, and we can't receive the righteousness that comes by means of the faith of Christ (Phil 3:9). He says if we live by SELF-righteousness, then we can't know the righteousness of God in us (Rom 10:2). It is when we know our righteousness in Christ that we truly come to know God's love for us.


It's really hard to envision God really and truly being in love with us, which is what Paul says in Ephesians 1, but when we turn our belief system on, and truly grasp this, then we become rooted and grounded in God's love, as he says in Ephesians 3:17.

It's gospel truth: Abba Father loves us like crazy, as crazy as it sounds.

Paul says God chose us before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame, standing before him in love (Eph 1:4). This verse is telling us something very significant. It tells us the reason God loves us is because he chose us before the world even began. Our minds again short-circuit at such a thought: "How can you mean this, God? I wasn't even born until just recently." But you see, God knows all things, and time is nothing to God.

He knew whether or not we were going to be in Christ long before we were ever born. Yes we have free will, but God knew before the foundation of the world how we would exercise our free will -- either to come to him, or not to come to him. If we come to him, he loves us as much as he does Jesus. Period.

It's something he decreed, and wrote in the halls of heaven. This is why Jesus says our job is to believe. When we truly reject all other beliefs, and only believe gospel truth, as Jesus says to do, then everything in life changes. This includes us knowing that Abba Father loves us as much as he does his only begotten Son Jesus.

More Information:

The Gospel Life Coach shows the gospel is the power of God, causing us to live life better by accident than we can on purpose:

This article is also available as a video at:

Read regular tweets on Twitter: /TheGospelCoach that will impact your day for the better. Religion demands that we live life right. The gospel empowers us to live life right.


Monday, 17 February 2014

Journeying Together in Faith

          Since we started to join the Couples for Christ, I, personally, have treasured much the times that me and my wife had shared with the other members of CFC Australia. Recalling back those personal encounters with the other members of this community, I just keep on wondering how precious it is to share oneself with others. In life, there are many rights ways and wrong turns yet by the presence and support of those people who journey with us, the heavy load then becomes so light.

          As shared by our leader, Ronnie Ordonez, on his communication for the First Fruit Offering celebration: 

 "As the Lord bestowed on all of us, our families and our community of His ever abiding presence through all the difficulties and trials we have undergone last 2013 we welcomed 2-14 filled with gratitude.

          We will have our traditional First Fruit Offering, a fitting gift to the Lord for His abundant gifts and provisionss, good health, answered prayers, spiritual gifts, miracles big and small, the peace, harmony and protection He has showered on our families.

          I totaly agree with Bro. Ronnie on what he mentioned that we indeed have so many reasons to be grateful to the Lord. In the midst of our life's busyness, we should constantly be mindful  to God's unending kindness and love for each one of us. He never fails to shower and share with us His goodness.

     With this realization, we should also be brave enough to take up our challenge to be His evangelizers- to bring Christ to others especially to those who have gone astray and are lost. 

Saturday, 25 January 2014

Celebrating A New Chapter of Our Life

          As we welcome this new year 2014, we bid farewell to all our experiences and events for 2013 and we embrace this new year with much positive attitude and determination. Many things unfolded on our life on the course of year 2013. Things may have been tough and rough for some, others may have had a good time with their personal life, business and any other endeavor. 

          However, all what we can do now is to retreat for a while and look back as a whole on that year and think then where can we improve for this year. Everyday is always an opportunity for us to grow and to become better persons. On the other hand, we are continously challenged to step forward and never be afraid of what lies ahead of us. 
          We need to be grateful in our life for what has been and what will be. In life, we tend to become so pre- occupied with lots of things and on the process, we fail to appreciate its every moment. Thus it is always essential for us to stop from time to time to have the chance to see within us what's going on already with our life. May we all learn to say "THANK YOU" for every opportunty to enjoy life and "SORRY" for every misdeed we commit to others. After all, life is so great and let us not allow any minute to be wasted away.